Research Resources
Map of Prince Rupert, 1909
Pre-emptor's map of Prince Rupert, 1929
The apostle of Alaska; the story of William Duncan, of Metlakahtla by Arctander, John William, [c1909]
In Great Waters: The Story of the United Church Marine Missions by Pringle, George Charles Fraser, 1928
Massett-Graham Island Coal Company: the Nearest Coal Fields to Prince Rupert
Metlakahtla : a true narrative of the red man by Davis, George T. B. (George Thompson Brown), 1904
Prince Rupert, British Columbia: Canada's Most Westerly Terminus
Prince Rupert, British Columbia : the Pacific Coast terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, 1911
Prince Rupert, British Columbia : the Pacific Coast terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, 1912
Prince Rupert, British Columbia : the Pacific Coast terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, 1912
Prince Rupert by Cy Warman, 1908
Prince Rupert, Colombie britannique: le terminus du chemin de fer Grand-Tronc-Pacifique sur la cote de l'ocean Pacifique, 1909
Prince Rupert : the Pacific outlet for Peace River and the Prairie Provinces.
Recollections of a Chief Trader in the Hudson’s Bay Company, by McKay, Joseph William
The story of Metlakahtla by Wellcome, Henry S. (Henry Solomon), Sir, 1887
Wrigley's Prince Rupert and Stewart City Directory, 1925
Fire Insurance Plan of Prince Rupert, B.C., 1959
Plan of Port Essington
Auction sale of Prince Rupert lots to be held at the A.O.U.W. Hall, Yates Street, Victoria, B.C., Thursday June 3, Friday June 4 ... auctioneers Bittancourt & Eaton, C.D. Rand, exclusive agent for the Government of British Columbia, the Grand Trunk Pacific T. & D. Co
Engineers' report on Port Edward townsite and harbor by Ritchie, Agnew & Co, 1912
Report of the deputation to Metlakatla [microform] : (General Touch and the Rev. W.R. Blackett) by Church Missionary Society; Touch, J. G; Blackett, W. R, 1886
The Indian potlatch of a paper read before C.M.S. annual conference at Metlakatla, B.C., by by McCullagh, J. B. (James Benjamin), 1899
Senator Macdonald's misleading account of his visit to Metlakatla exposed, by Ridley, William, 1836-1911; Macdonald, William John, 1882
Auction sale of Prince Rupert lots to be held at the A.O.U.W. Hall, Yates Street, Victoria, B.C., 1909
7 October 1946 report: Loss of U.S.A.T. Zalinksi
Tsimpsean Indian Reserve
B.C. Sessional Papers 1906
B.C. Sessional Papers 1909
Sessional Paper No. 37a Proposed Alterations to Contract
Shoulder Strap Volume 1
Shoulder Strap Volume 2
Order in Council George T. Kane
Order in Council Kane
Order in Council Metlakatla 161/1908
Order in Council 1904
Order in Council #59
Order in Council #159
Order in Council #194
Order in Council #264
Order in Council #386
Order in Council #450
Order in Council #637
Order in Council #604
Order in Council #811
The Making of a Great Canadian Railway
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and British Columbia
The Daily Colonist, November 25, 1902
The Daily Colonist, February 28, 1903
Up and Down the North Pacific Coast by Thomas Crosby
Archives Association of B.C. (AABC)
B.C. Archives (Genealogy)
Library and Archives Canada
MemoryBC: Gateway to British Columbia's Past